Why No Auxikko?

First, what exactly is the Auxikko pattern? Simply put we are talking about a design that resembles a stylized upside down 'Y' laid out into a geometric array pattern.
Carryology has developed their edition of this pattern and titled it "Auxikko".
"...custom-designed Carryology Auxikko pattern, inspired by samurai armor and Japanese geometric patterns" - Carryology.
This particular pattern is applied to Carryology collaboration products, often collectible.
Yes, this pattern is widely used and has been widely used for centuries in traditional Japanese textiles. It is found in many homes as Japanese woodwork ornament kumiko. You can buy rolls of fabric with this pattern, you can buy a stock image off the web of this pattern (like I did for this page). Yes, you can even fully license this pattern on adobe stock for resale. So why do I take the road of dissapointing customers and not print this pattern? Especially if it is in such high demand? So many other makers do it; and they do it as fans of the Carryology brand without any licensing. After all, this pattern isn't "Owned by Carryology" and it's been around for centuries!
Well, here's the thing. When a carry maker produces a product with this pattern, they are not selling you the pattern that is centuries old, they are selling you the Carrylogy pattern. They may call it something different just to avoid any trouble, but they know what they are doing, and it pays well. Customers want it because it is known to be Carryology (it's also beautiful!). It doesn't matter where the pattern originated. I won't print it unless I'm doing a collaboration with Carryology beacause it is a known character mark within their products. If you want Oddjob with Auxikko, tell Carryology what product you'd like me to collaborate on.
Let me provide an example of another company that applies a common image and makes it thier trademark: Goodart, is a well respected, highly successful luxury carry company. Their trademarked logo is a Japanese styled rosette. A simple six petal flower. If you ask the owner of the company where he got it from, he will tell you, he saw it on a grave stone when he was just hanging out. Made a rubbing of it because he thought it was cool! So that logo has essentially been around longer than Goodart, but I'm not going to make jewelry with that image unless I'm doing a collaboration with Goodart.
I hope this helps to eleviate some dissappointment with no Auxikko. Yes, I need to pay my rent too, but integrity will keep you going for much longer.
-Paul Stoll, Oddjob.