Be at home anywhere
Oddjob - The loyal sidekick (henchman).
Oddjob was hired in June of 2024 as part of Goldfinger Jewelry LLC. Goldfinger is a wholesale jewelry provider for the body jewelry industry as well as custom traditional jewelry and bridal for all. Goldfinger started to get contracted for some really fun, large quantity custom jobs. These products were a little off the jewelry making grid and more of leather accessories, laser etching, and brass goods. Dusting off his old leather production skills, Goldfinger couldn't do it all. The jewelry store began filling up with all theses EDC goods. It was time to give Oddjob it's own space. Oddjob specializes in customized EDC accents and presents a thoughtfully curated collection of EDC goods to help you get through your day.
Make Oddjob your personal sidekick with all the things we carry with us for tasks, peace of mind, or even companionship.